Iowa Board of Regents

September 7-8, 2016


SEPTEMBER 7-8, 2016




Agenda Items

Academic and Student Affairs Committee Audio

Property and Facilities Committee Audio

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Board Meeting - Audio

Thursday, September 8, 2016 Board Meeting - AM Audio

Thursday, September 8, 2016 Board Meeting - AM Audio 2

Thursday, September 8, 2016 Board Meeting - PM Audio

Closed Session Action Audio



Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

1.     Minutes of June 8, 2016, Committee Meeting (PDF)

2.     Five-Year Capital Plans Including FY 2018 Request (PDF)   PowerPoints:  (SUI)  (ISU)  (UNI)  (ISD)

3.     Five-Year Institutional Roads Program (PDF)

4.     Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

5.     University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (PDF)

6.     University of Iowa Proposed Naming (PDF)

7.     University of Iowa Request to Raze One Building (PDF)

8.     Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

9.     Iowa State University Request for Emergency Contracting Authorization (PDF)

10.   Iowa State University Proposed Naming (PDF)

11.   Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

12.   University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

13.   Discussion of Future Committee Agenda and Other Items (PDF)

Academic and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

1.    Presentation at the University of Iowa: “Freedom of Expression on Public University
        Campuses" (PDF) 

2.    University of Iowa

a.   Request for new program:  Bachelor of Arts Program in Social Justice (PDF)

b.   Presentation:  Transitioning to College:  The University of Iowa’s Comprehensive
      Approach to Student Success" (PDF)  PowerPoint (PDF)

3.    Iowa State University

a.     Request to award an honorary doctor of science degree (PDF)

4.     Iowa School for the Deaf

a.    External review report (PDF)

5.     2016 Academic and Student Affairs Committee Work (PDF)

6.     Other Business

1.   Call to Order for September 7, 2016 (PDF)

Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

1.         Minutes of June 9, 2016, Committee Meeting (PDF)

2.         FY 2016 State Audit Plan (PDF)

3.         State Audit Reports (PDF)

•   FY 2015 Reports of Recommendation

University of Iowa

Iowa State University

University of Northern Iowa

Iowa School for the Deaf

Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School

Board Office

4.   FY 2016 Audit Progress and FY 2017 Internal Audit Plans (PDF)

5.   Internal Audit Reports Issued (PDF)

6.   Internal Audit Charter (PDF)

7.   Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2016 (PDF)

8.   Annual Review of Peer Group Comparisons (PDF)  Review (PDF)

Board Receipt of Committee Report


Thursday, September 8, 2016

2.   Call to Order for September 8, 2016 (PDF)

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

1.  Minutes of June 9, 2016, Committee Meeting (PDF)

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Presentation (PDF)

•    Opening Remarks

•    Operating and Financial Performance

•    Faculty Presentation:  Using Neurosurgery to Understand Speech Motor Control

Board Receipt of Committee Report

3.   Consent Agenda (PDF)

a.   Minutes of July 18, 2016, Telephonic Board Meeting (PDF)

b.   Minutes of August 11, 2016, Telephonic Board Meeting (PDF)

c.   Appointments to Committees, Boards, and Commissions (PDF)

d.   Master Lease Financings (PDF)

e.   Allocation of Capital Appropriation for Fire Safety and ADA Compliance (PDF)

f.    Naming of Bargaining Teams (PDF)

g.   SCAR Report (PDF)

h.   Personnel Appointments (PDF)   (Revised 9/1/16)

i.    Early Retirement – Board Office (PDF)

j.    Annual Governance Report on Faculty Tenure and Promotion (PDF)

4.         Board President Report (PDF)

5.         Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF) 

•    University of Iowa

•    Iowa State University

•    University of Northern Iowa

•    Special Schools

6.         Faculty Research Presentation at the University of Iowa: “Improving Air Pollution and Weather
             Predictions using Big Data" (PDF)

7.         FY 2018 Operating and Other Fund Appropriations Requests (PDF)

8.         Report of the Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

9.         Report of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

10.       Bond Sales

a.   Sale and Award of $34,450,000 Dormitory Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2016 (PDF)

b.   Sale and Award of $19,130,000 (estimated) Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds,
       Series S.U.I. 2016A (PDF)

11.       Faculty Presentation at the University of Iowa: “How the Digital Humanities Shape
              All Humanities" (PDF)

12.       UNI Presidential Search Process (PDF)

13.       Closed Session – Employee Appeal (PDF)


Board Meeting Schedule


Date Location
October 19-20, 2016 University of Northern Iowa
*December 7, 2016              Iowa State University


Date Location
February 23, 2017 Iowa State University
April 20, 2017 Iowa School for the Deaf
June 7, 2017 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa
June 8, 2017 University of Northern Iowa
August 2, 2017 Telephonic
September 7, 2017 University of Iowa
October 19, 2017 University of Northern Iowa
December 6, 2017 Telephonic

* Pending Board Approval for date/location change to December 5 & 6, 2016 at UNI

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