Iowa Board of Regents

October 16-17, 2002

Board of Regents, State of Iowa 

University of Northern Iowa Maucker Union
Cedar Falls, Iowa

October 16-17, 2002

General Docket


  1. Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting of September 18-19, 2002 (PDF)

  2. Annual Student Financial Aid Report (PDF) (Revised pages 13&14 on 10/11/02 3:45)

  3. Tuition Policies and Proposed Rates (PDF) (Revised 10/11/02 12:05 pm)

  4. Consent Items (PDF)

    1. Institutional and Board Office Personnel Transactions (PDF)

    2. Board Meetings Schedule (PDF)

    3. Approval of Vendors with a Potential Conflict of Interest (PDF)

    4. International Studies Major, SUI (PDF)

    5. Professional and Scientific Classification System Revisions, SUI (PDF)

    6. The George Washington Carver Teacher Education Program: A Partnership for Minority Teacher Preparation, ISU (PDF)

  5. Interinstitutional Committee on Educational Coordination

    1. Interinstitutional Library Report (PDF)

    2. Establish Master's and Doctoral Degrees in Community and Behavioral Health, SUI (PDF)

  6. Fall Enrollment Report - Part I (PDF)

  7. Annual Distance Education Report (PDF)

  8. Comprehensive Fiscal Report for FY 2002 (PDF)

  9. Annual Salary Report (PDF)

  10. Annual Regent Merit System Report (PDF)

  11. Report on Organizational Review Project (PDF) (Revised 10/11/02 12:20 pm)

  12. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

  13. National Report Card on Higher Education (PDF)

  14. Report of the Banking Committee (PDF)

  15. Institutional Registers of Capital Improvement Business Transactions

    1. University of Iowa (PDF)

    2. Iowa State University (PDF)

      Attachment (PDF)

    3. University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    4. Iowa School for the Deaf (PDF)

  16. Report on Iowa College Student Aid Commission Meeting (PDF)


Institutional Dockets

Iowa State University

University of Iowa

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