Iowa Board of Regents

February 4-5, 2015

Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Mauker Union, Old Central Ballroom, Rooms A and B
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa


February 4-5, 2015

Audio of the Meeting

Education and Student Affairs Audio

Property and Facilities Audio

2/5/2015 Morning Audio

2/5/2015 Afternoon Part 1 Audio

2/5/2015 Afternoon Part 2 Audio


Agenda Items


  1. Wednesday, February 4, 2015

    Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of December 3, 2014, Committee Meeting (PDF) 

    2. Presentation at the University of Northern Iowa:  “First Year Only“ (PDF)

    3. 2013-2014 Distance Education Report (PDF) 

    4. Requests for New Programs in Business Analytics 

      University of Iowa: Master of Science Program in Business Analytics (PDF)

      Iowa State University: Master of Business Analytics Program (PDF)

    5. Request for a Center Name Change at the University of Northern Iowa: From UNI Regional Business Center to UNI Center for Business Growth and Innovation (PDF)

    6. 2013-14 Report on Faculty Resignations (PDF)

    7. 2015 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

    8. Other Business

  1. Thursday, February 5, 2015

    Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of December 3, 2014, Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. Facilities Governance Report (PDF)

    3. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    4. University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (PDF)

    5. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

    6. University of Northern Iowa – Proposed Demolition of 1233 West 22nd Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa (PDF)

    7. Institutional Agreements, Leases, and Easements (PDF)

    8. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

    9. Discussion of Future Committee Agenda and Other Items (PDF)

  1. Call to Order for February 5, 2015 (PDF)

    Board Receipt of Committee Report 

    1. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of  December 3, 2014, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. Proposed UIHC Acquisition (PDF)

        • Opening Remarks
        • Operational and Financial Performance
        • Health Information Technology Driving Clinical Value

      Board Receipt of Committee Report 

      Presentation (PDF)

    2. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of December 3, 2014, Telephonic Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. Internal Audit Reports Issued (PDF) 

      3. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Audit Report (PDF)

  2. Consent Agenda (PDF)

    1. Minutes of November 14, 2014, Telephonic Board Meeting (PDF)

    2. Minutes of December 3, 2014, Telephonic Board Meeting (PDF)

    3. Semi-Annual Claims Activity Reports:  July 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 (PDF)

    4. Annual Diversity Report (PDF)

    5. Appointments (PDF)

    6. Adoption of Amendments to Iowa Administrative Code 681 – Chapter 1 (PDF)

    7. Notice of Intent to Amend Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 1 (PDF)

  3. Board President Report (PDF)

  4. Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF)

    • UNI
    • SUI
    • ISU
    • Special Schools
  5. Admissions Study Team Final Report (PDF)

  6. Proposed University of Iowa 2015 Early Retirement Incentive Program (PDF)

  7. TIER Update (PDF)

  8. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

  9. Report of the Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

  10. Resolution for the Sale and Issuance of $32,335,000 Athletic Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series I.S.U. 2015 (PDF)

  11. Economic Development Presentation at the University of Northern Iowa: "EDA University Center - Supporting Entrepreneurship Across Iowa" (PDF) - (Presentation) (PDF)

  12. 2014 Battelle Report - "Iowa's Re-envisioned Economic Development Roadmap" (PDF) - (Presentation) (PDF)

  13. Faculty Presentation at the University of Northern Iowa:  "Frontiers of Sustainability - Understanding and Fostering Sustainable Development in the Arctic and Other Remote and Rural Communities" (PDF)

  14. University of Iowa Presidential Search Update (PDF)

  15. Closed Session (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Location City
March 11, 2015 University of Iowa Iowa City
April 22-23, 2015 Iowa School for the Deaf Council Bluffs
June 3, 2015 (Evaluations) Iowa State University Ames
June 4, 2015 Iowa State University Ames
August 5, 2015 Telephonic
September 9, 2015 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
October 21-22, 2015 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 2, 2015 Telephonic


Date Location
February 24-25, 2016 TBD
April 20-21, 2016 TBD
June 8-9, 2016 (Evaluations) TBD
August 3, 2016 Telephonic
September 7-8, 2016 TBD
October 19-20, 2016 TBD
December 7, 2016 Telephonic
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