Iowa Board of Regents

Who serves on the Board of Regents?

The Board’s nine members are citizen volunteers appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate to serve staggered six-year terms. They elect one member to serve as president and another to serve as president pro-tem for two-year terms. According to Iowa Code Chapter 262, one member must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student at one of the universities at the time of her or his appointment, and not more than five members can be of the same political party. Additionally, a maximum of five members can be of any one gender. Current members are profiled on the Board's website at

The Board is required by statute to meet at least four times a year. The meetings are open to the public except when Iowa's open meetings law allows closed sessions for specific reasons, such as the discussion of personnel matters or pending litigation.

The Board's staff are responsible for the implementation of the Board's governance strategies.  Board staff provide professional and administrative support through review, analysis, and policy recommendations on all matters coming before the Board.

The Board's staff is one of the smallest public higher education board staffs in the nation. Total costs for Board Office operations represent less than 0.01 percent of the total budget for the entire Regent enterprise.

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