Iowa Board of Regents

What is the Board's Mission?

Mission, Vision and Core Values

Mission Statement

The mission of the Regent institutions is to:

  •     Produce and disseminate knowledge
  •     Prepare students to make positive contributions to society
  •     Serve the state of Iowa to expand opportunities

Vision Statement

The Board of Regents will lead an accessible, internationally renowned system that provides education, conducts research, and benefits Iowa, the nation and the world.

Core Values

The core values of the Board of Regents and its institutions:

  • We are learner-focused
    • Student success
    • Quality academic, innovative and creative engagement
    • Access that is career expanding
    • Resilience, growth mindedness and self-awareness
    • Diverse and inclusive experiences
    • Intellectual and talent development
  • We expect ethical behavior
    • Honesty
    • Transparency
    • Public accountability, stewardship and service
    • Open and effective communication
    • Advancement of the good of public education
    • Respect for differences
    • Exercise free speech through civil discourse
  • We employ practices for transformative growth
    • Continuous improvement
    • Collaboration
    • Inclusion
    • Academic freedom
    • Efficiency and sustainability
    • Shared governance


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