Iowa Board of Regents

2021 Open Records Requests


Board of Regents 2021 Open Records Report (PDF)


Date Requester Subject Board Office Response
1/21/2021 Vanessa Miller SEIU initial bargaining proposal 1/21/2021
1/21/2021 Andrew Wind UF initial bargaining proposal 1/21/2021
2/25/2021 W. Michael Ayele Clery act communications 2/26/2021
3/15/2021 Ethan Stein UI presidential search 3/16/2021
3/22/2021 Emma Pettit UI College of Dentistry communications 3/31/2021
3/26/2021 Vanessa Miller Harreld retirement information 3/26/2021
3/29/2021 Cleo Krejci UI presidential search firm contract 3/29/2021
4/2/2021 Emma Pettit UI College of Dentistry communications 4/13/2021
4/5/2021 Anthony Daye Faculty tenure and promotions 4/6/2021
4/16/2021 Cleo Krejci UI presidential search 4/16/2021
4/20/2021 Luis Hernandez ISU presidential contract 4/20/2021
4/23/2021 Vanessa Miller UI presidential feedback 5/12/2021
4/30/2021 Adam Carros UI presidential contract 4/30/2021
4/30/2021 Vanessa Miller UI presidential contract 4/30/2021
4/30/2021 Cleo Krejci UI presidential search costs 6/9/2021
5/4/2021 Cleo Krejci UI presidential contract 5/4/2021
5/4/2021 Cleo Krejci UI presidential feedback 5/12/2021
5/6/2021 Kelly Jones UI presidential contract 5/6/2021
5/20/2021 Danica Bird UI bookstore 5/21/2021
6/14/2021 Thomas Crady Kirkwood emails 6/14/2021
6/29/2021 Center for Public Integrity Legislative correspondence 8/5/2021
7/8/2021 Michael Gartner Employee salaries 7/15/2021
7/8/2021 Annie Bowers Enrollment data 7/9/2021
7/12/2021 Elizabeth Edelstein UI bookstore 7/12/2021
7/14/2021 Ballotpedia Union dues 8/4/2021
7/15/2021 Michael Gartner Coaches contracts 7/19/2021
7/26/2021 Russel Neiss Divestment information 7/28/2021
7/26/2021 Anna Passannante Distance Education RFPs 8/24/2021
7/27/2021 Sheri Owen Distance Education contract 8/24/2021
8/4/2021 Aaron Terr Legislative correspondence 9/2/2021
8/24/2021 Anna Passannante Distance Education contract 8/24/2021
8/31/2021 Logan Derby Retirement communications 9/22/2021
9/14/2021 Cleo Krejci Free speech information 9/14/2021
9/15/2021 Vanessa Miller Mandate communications 10/5/2021
9/27/2021 Asia Atuah UI presidential contract/compensation 9/27/2021
10/1/2021 Vanessa Miller UNI emails 10/5/2021
10/6/2021 Justin Goldman UNI presidential contract 10/7/2021
10/22/2021 Gustave de Saint Victor AAUP report 10/28/2021
11/9/2021 Cleo Krejci Free speech training contract 11/19/2021
11/16/2021 FOIA Data Collection Regent Investments 11/22/2021
11/17/2021 Zach Palmer Iowa Prison Industries 11/22/2021
11/29/2021 Frank Albanese Regent Investments 12/1/2021
12/9/2021 Erin Jordan Settlement Agreement 12/9/2021
12/16/2021 Vanessa Miller Search waiver information 1/11/2022


Fees for Open Records Requests


Archived Open Records Requests


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