Iowa Board of Regents

Board of Regents Meeting Preview: November 13-14, 2019 Meeting Preview

The comprehensive fiscal report, on the docket at the November Board of Regents meeting, compares actual revenues and expenditures with Board-approved budgets. This comparison is useful in identifying variances between what was approved in the budget and what was actually spent. The report also includes a five-year history of actual revenues and expenditures for each university and special school.

Read More on The Comprehensive Fiscal Report

The Board of Regents will consider approval to sell the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School to the city of Vinton at its November meeting. The property, which includes 11 buildings on 48 acres, will be sold to the city for one dollar, if approved.

Read More on The End of an Era

Fall enrollment at Iowa’s public universities totaled 75,128 students; the sixth-highest enrollment in the history of the Regents system and bested only by the previous five years. This total represents a decline of 3.5 percent over one year, but remains 3.3 percent higher than totals from 10 years ago.

Read More on Fall 2019 Enrollment at Iowa's Public Universities

At its November meeting, the Board of Regents will consider granting permission to proceed with project planning to modernize the Industrial Technology Center (ITC) at the University of Northern Iowa. The project, which will add 36,000 square feet to the ITC, would provide the UNI Department of Technology with a modern facility that is tailor-made to train students to become future leaders of Iowa’s workforce.

Read More on UNI's Industrial Technology Center Looks for an Upgrade
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