Iowa Board of Regents

October 18-19, 2000

Board Of Regents, State Of Iowa
Iowa State University Memorial Union
Ames, Iowa

October 18-19, 2000

General Docket


  1. Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting of September 13-14, 2000 (PDF)

  2. Consent Items (PDF)

  3. Approval of Criteria for ISU Presidential Search (PDF)

  4. Fall Enrollment Report - Part I (PDF)

  5. Annual Report on Libraries/Report on Scholarly Communications (PDF)

  6. Annual Committee on Educational Relations Report (PDF)

  7. Annual Report of Registrars and Admissions Officers (PDF)

  8. Annual Distance Education Report (PDF)

  9. Annual Salary Report (PDF)

  10. Report of the Banking Committee (PDF)

  11. Comprehensive Fiscal Report for FY 2000 (PDF)

  12. Final Approval of Tuition Rates and Mandatory Fees including Part-time (pages 1-11) (PDF)

  13. Regent Legislative Program (PDF)
  14. Annual Regent Merit System Report (PDF)

  15. Institutional and Board Office Personnel Transactions (PDF)

  16. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

  17. *Approval of Vendors with a Potential Conflict of Interest (PDF)

  18. Administrative Rules Review Process - Progress Report (PDF)

  19. Modification of Tax Consequences for University Retirement Contributions (PDF)

  20. Report on Meeting of Iowa Coordinating Council for Post-high School Education (PDF)

  21. Report on Meeting of Iowa College Student Aid Commission (PDF)

  22. *Board Meetings Schedule (PDF)

  23. Public Hearing -- University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Roof Replacement Project (PDF)

  24. Student Appeal (PDF)

* Consent Items




Iowa School For The Deaf

October 18-19, 2000

Items To Be Considered Individually By The Board:
  • None

Items To Be Considered On The General Docket:
  • A-1 Register of Personnel Changes for September, 2000

  • A-2 Fall Enrollment: Part I

Items To Be Considered On The Consent Docket:
  • None



Iowa Braille And Sight Saving School

October 18-19, 2000

Items To Be Considered Individually By The Board:
Items To Be Considered On The General Docket:
  • A-1 Register of Personnel Changes for September, 2000

Items To Be Considered On The Consent Docket:
  • None


University of Northern Iowa

October 18-19, 2000

Items To Be Considered Individually By The Board:
Items To Be Considered On The General Docket:
  • A-1 Register of Personnel Changes for September, 2000

Items To Be Considered On The Consent Docket:



University of Iowa

October 18-19, 2000

Items To Be Considered Individually By The Board:
  • A-4 Revisions to Professional and Scientific Classification System (PDF)

  • B-1 Register of Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  • B-4 Meeting of the Board of Regents as the Board of Trustees of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (PDF)

Items To Be Considered On The General Docket:
  • A-1 Register of Personnel Changes for September, 2000

  • B-2 Lease of Properties

    1. Selim Laboratories, Inc. (TIC)

    2. SportVU, Inc. (TIC) - Renewal

    3. Goldfinch Diagnostics (TIC) - Renewal

    4. United Way of Central Iowa - Renewal

    5. GenVentures, Inc.

  • B-3 FY 2001 Mandatory Fees and Tuition Surcharges

  • B-5 Conflict of Interest Vendors

Items To Be Considered On The Consent Docket:
  • A-2 Creation of Department of Neurosurgery in the College of Medicine (PDF)

  • A-3 Change in Status of Emergency Medicine (PDF)



Iowa State University

October 18-19, 2000

Items To Be Considered Individually By The Board:
  • B-1 Register of Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  • B-4 Campus Master Plan Presentation (PDF)

  • B-6 Union Drive Neighborhood Update (PDF)

Items To Be Considered On The General Docket:
  • A-1 Register of Personnel Changes for September, 2000

  • B-2 Leases/Easements

    1. Partnership Building Lease

  • B-3 Conflict of Interest Vendor - D.R. Farni Enterprises

  • B-5 Budget Adjustments for Health Insurance Cost Increases

Items To Be Considered On The Consent Docket:
  • A-2 Report of Closure of the Center for Rare Earths and Magnetics (CREM) (PDF)

  • A-3 Approval of New ISU Center to be called the Information Assurance Center (PDF)

  • A-4 Report of Closure of the Utilization Center for Agricultural Products (UCAP) (PDF)

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