Iowa Board of Regents

October 15-16, 2003

Board of Regents, State of Iowa

University of Iowa Memorial Union

Iowa City, Iowa

October 15-16, 2003

General Docket


  1. Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting of September 16-17, 2003 (PDF)

  2. Consent Items (PDF)

    1. Board Meetings Schedule (PDF)

    2. Institutional and Board Office Personnel Transactions (PDF)

    3. Approval of Vendors with a Potential Conflict of Interest (PDF)

    4. Report on Meeting of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission (PDF)

    5. Annual Regent Merit System Report (PDF)

    6. P&S Classification Revision, University of Iowa (PDF)

    7. Interinstitutional Library Report (PDF)

    8. Annual Committee on Educational Relations Report (PDF)

    9. Report on Meeting of the Iowa Coordinating Council for Post-high School Education (PDF)

    10. Purchase of Telephone Switching Equipment, University of Iowa (PDF)

  3. Annual Student Financial Aid Report (PDF)
    Table 1 (PDF); Table 2 (PDF); Table 3 (PDF); Table 4 (PDF); Table 5 (PDF)
    Graph 1 (PDF); Graph2 (PDF)

  4. Fall Enrollment Report – Part I (PDF)
    Table 1 (PDF); Table 5 (PDF); Table 6 (PDF); Table 7 (PDF);
    Table 8 (PDF); Table 9 (PDF); Table SS1 (PDF); Table SS2 (PDF);
    Table SS3 (PDF); Table SS4 (PDF)

  5. Tuition Policies and Proposed Rates (PDF)

  6. Interinstitutional Committee on Educational Coordination

    1. Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Technology,Iowa State University (PDF)

  7. Report of the Banking Committee (PDF)

  8. Annual Distance Education Report (PDF)

  9. Comprehensive Fiscal Report for FY 2003 (PDF)

  10. Annual Salary Report (PDF)

  11. Revisions to Policy Manual (PDF)

  12. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

  13. Employee Appeal (PDF)

  14. Institutional Registers of Capital Improvement Business Transactions

    1. University of Iowa (PDF)
      Attachment A (PDF); Attachment B (PDF)

    2. Iowa State University (PDF)
      Attachment A (PDF)

    3. University of Northern Iowa (PDF)
      Attachment A (PDF); Attachment B (PDF)

    4. Iowa School for the Deaf (PDF)

October 15-16, 2003
Institutional Dockets

University of Iowa
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