Iowa Board of Regents

November 15-16, 2018

Meeting of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa

November 15-16, 2018
Slife Ballroom, Commons
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa

Full Agenda (PDF)

Open Session Audio

Meeting Recap


Thursday, November 15

11 a.m. - Investment and Finance Committee (PDF)

  1. Minutes of September 12, 2018 Committee Meeting (PDF)
  2. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2018 (PDF)  Report (PDF)
  3. Comprehensive Fiscal Report for FY 2018 (PDF)
  4. Proposed Bond Issuance Schedule for Calendar Year 2019 (PDF)

12:30 p.m. - Board Convenes in Open Session (PDF)

  1. Call to Order for November 15, 2018 (PDF)
  2. Public Comment (PDF)
  3. Tuition and Resource Discussion (PDF) President Richards Statement (PDF)
  4. Fall Enrollment Report (PDF)
  5. Sale and Award of $29,505,000 (Estimated) Athletic Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2018A (PDF)
  6. Presentation: Condition of Higher Education in Iowa (PDF)

2 p.m. - Audit and Compliance Committee (PDF)

  1. Minutes of September 12, 2018 Committee Meeting (PDF)
  2. Internal Audit Reports Issued (PDF)
  3. Committee Calendar - 2019 (PDF)

2:30 p.m. - University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

  1. Minutes of September 12, 2018 Committee Meeting (PDF)
  2. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Presentation (PDF)


  1. Closed Session (PDF)

Friday, November 16

9 a.m. - Academic Affairs Committee (PDF)

  1. Consent Agenda (PDF)
    1. Minutes of September 12, 2018 Committee Meeting (PDF)
    2. UNI Program Name Change Request: Graphic Technologies (PDF)
    3. UNI Program Name Change Request: Health Promotion and Education (PDF)
    4. UNI Program Name Change Request: Mathematics for the Middle Grades (4-8) (PDF)
  2. Request for New Institute: ISU National Institute for Anti-Microbial Resistance Research and Education (PDF)
  3. Request for New Programs: SUI Bachelor of Arts in Education Areas (PDF)
  4. University of Iowa Proposed Naming (PDF)
  5. Annual Academic Program Review Report (PDF)
  6. Presentation: UNI Partnership for Computer Science Teacher Preparation (PDF)
  7. 2017-2018 Professional Development Assignment Reports (PDF)
  8. 2019-2020 Professional Development Assignment Requests (PDF)
  9. Presentation on University Admissions (Joint Presentation with Campus and Student Affairs) (PDF)

10 a.m. - Campus and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

  1. Presentation on University Admissions (Joint Presentation with Academic Affairs) (PDF)
  2. Committee Charge (PDF)
  3. Clery Act Reports (PDF)
  4. University Presentation on Campus Safety (PDF)

10:30 a.m. - Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)

  1. Minutes of September 12, 2018 Committee Meeting (PDF)
  2. Register of SUI Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)
  3. SUI Request to Raze Two Buildings (PDF)
  4. SUI Property Transfer (PDF)
  5. Register of ISU Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)
  6. UNI Request for Emergency Contracting Authorization (PDF)
  7. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

10:45 a.m. - Board Convenes in Open Session (PDF)

  1. Call to Order for November 16, 2018 (PDF)
  2. Consent Agenda (PDF)
    1. Minutes of September 12-13 Board Meeting (PDF)
    2. Meeting of November 15, 2018 Investment and Finance Committee (PDF)
    3. Meeting of September 12, 2018 Academic Affairs Committee (PDF)
    4. Meeting of September 12, 2018 Audit and Compliance Committee (PDF)
    5. Meeting of November 16, 2018 Property and Facilities Committee (PDF)
    6. Personnel Appointments (PDF)
    7. Policy Manual Revisions - Chapter 2.3 (PDF)
    8. Interagency Cooperation Plan Annual Report (PDF)
    9. Request for Professional Development Assignments, 2019-2020 (PDF)
    10. Request for Honorary Degrees at the University of Iowa (PDF)
    11. University of Iowa Proposed Naming (PDF)
  3. Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF)
  4. Economic Development and Technology Transfer Report (PDF)
  5. Presentation: Freedom of Expression at Universities (PDF)
  6. Annual Strategic Plan Updates (PDF)
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