Iowa Board of Regents

May 1, 2007

Board of Regents, State of Iowa
Richey Ballroom, Iowa Memorial Union
University of Iowa
Iowa City,  Iowa

May 1, 2007

Agenda Items


  1. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Trustees (PDF)

    Meeting Materials (PDF)

  2. Iowa Public Radio Public Service Operating Agreement (PDF)

  3. Minutes of March 13, 2007, Meeting (PDF)

  4. Revision to Board Meeting Schedule (PDF)

  5. Nomination of President Pro Tem (PDF)

  6. Adoption of Amendment to Iowa Administrative Code (PDF)

  7. Proposed Program Termination at the University of Iowa - B.A. Program in Literature, Science, and the Arts (PDF)

  8. Proposed New Institute at Iowa State University - CyberInnovation Institute(PDF)

  9. Revisions to Chapter 6 of the Board of Regents Policy Manual (PDF)

  10. Faculty Presentation at the University of Iowa - “History of the School of Art and Art History" (PDF)

  11. Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

  12. Practitioner Preparation (Licensure) Program Continuing Approval Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

  13. Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Programs Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

  14. Request to Name an Institute at the University of Iowa (PDF)

  15. Student Wellness Policy at the Special Schools (PDF)

  16. Presentation on the Board of Regents Mathematics and Science Collaborative Initiative (PDF)

  17. Presentation on Iowa State University Extension (PDF)

  18. Resolution for the Sale and Award of $27,525,000 Academic Building Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2007 (PDF)

  19. Preliminary Resolution for the Sale of Hospital Revenue Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2007 and Series S.U.I. 2007A (PDF)

  20. FY 2008 Preliminary Pay Policies (PDF)

  21. Annual Governance Report on Faculty Tenure (PDF)

  22. Institutional Personnel Transactions (PDF)

  23. SUI Presidential Search Update (PDF)

  24. Legislative Update (PDF)

  25. Preliminary FY 2008 Budget Issues and FY 2007 Budget Ceiling Adjustment (PDF)

  26. Allocation of Mandatory Student Fees for 2007-2008 Academic Year (PDF)

  27. Approval of Residence System Proposed Rates and Transfers for 2007-2008 Academic Year (PDF)

  28. Approval of University Parking for FY 2008 (PDF)

  29. Proposed Non-Tuition-Related Miscellaneous Fees for FY 2008 (PDF)

  30. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

  31. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  32. University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (PDF)

  33. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  34. Iowa State University - Request for Renaming Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Geology Field Camp (PDF)

  35. University of Northern Iowa - Parking Deck and Transit Facility (PDF)

  36. Grow Iowa Values Fund/Batelle Project Update (PDF)

  37. Iowa Power Fund and Related Legislation Update (PDF)

  38. University of Iowa Highlighted Project Presentation (PDF)

  39. University Strategic Plan Progress Reports (PDF)

    • University of Iowa

    • Iowa State University

    • University of Northern Iowa

  40. Internal Audit Planning (PDF)

  41. Internal Audit Reports (PDF)

  42. Annual Report on Competition with Private Enterprise (PDF)

  43. Conflict of Interest Vendors (PDF)

  44. Calendars (PDF)

  45. Revision to Policy Manual - Compliance and Reporting (PDF)

  46. Appointments (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule

Date Venue Location

June 13, 2007*

West Des Moines Marriott

West Des Moines*

August 1-2, 2007

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

September 18-19, 2007

Iowa School for the Deaf

Council Bluffs

October 30-31, 2007

University of Iowa

Iowa City

December 3-4, 2007

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

February 6-7, 2008

Iowa State University


March 19-20, 2008

Iowa School for the Deaf

Council Bluffs

April 30-May 1, 2008

University of Iowa

Iowa City

June 11-12, 2008

Iowa State University


August 6-7, 2008

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

September 17-18, 2008

University of Iowa

Iowa City

October 29-30, 2008

Iowa State University


December 10-11, 2008

University of Northern Iowa

Cedar Falls

*Subject to Board approval in Agenda Item 4

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