Iowa Board of Regents

June 6, 2012

Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Main Lounge, Iowa Memorial Union
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

June 6, 2012

Audio Of Meeting

Click Here to Listen to Audio from the Education and Student Affairs Committee:

Click Here to Listen to Audio from the Board Meeting AM:

Click Here to Listen to Audio from the Board Meeting PM:

Agenda Items


  1. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 25-26, 2012 Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    2. Notice of Intended Action to Amend Iowa Administrative Code 681 – Chapter 2 (PDF)

    3. Request for a Name Change at the University of Iowa: Master of Laws Program in International and Comparative Law to Master of Laws Program (PDF)

    4. Request for Department Name Change at the University of Northern Iowa: Department of Industrial Technology to Department of Technology (PDF)

    5. Request to Merge Doctor of Education Program in Leisure, Youth and Human Services and Doctor of Education Program in Rehabilitation Studies and Name the Program as Doctor of Education Program in Allied Health, Recreation and Community Services at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    6. Request to Merge Master of Arts Program in Mental Health Counseling and Master of Arts in Education Program in School Counseling and Name the Program as Master of Arts School Counseling at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    7. Proposed Curriculum Changes for the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    8. Request for a Department Name Change at Iowa State University: Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology to Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology (PDF)

    9. Doctor of Pharmacy Program Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    10. Rehabilitation and Counselor Education Programs Accreditation Report at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    11. Master of Arts in Education Program in Educational Psychology and Ed.S. Program in School Psychology Accreditation Report at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    12. Update Report of the Feasibility Study (PDF)

    13. Update Report to Implement the Preferred Future Plan Recommendations of the Coordinating Council for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing (PDF)

    14. 2012 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

    15. Other Business

  1. Call Full Board to Order for June 6, 2012 (PDF)
  1. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 25, 2012, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      • Opening Remarks

      • Operational and Financial Performance

      • New University of Iowa Children’s Hospital Planning Update – To Be
        Presented with Agenda Item 7, University of Iowa Capital Register

    1. Board Receipt of Committee Report

    2. Presentation (PDF)

  2. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 25, 2012, Committee Meeting (PDF)

    2. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2012 (PDF)

    1. Executive Summary (PDF)

    2. Updated Summary (PDF)

    3. Board Receipt of Committee Report

  1. Board President Report (PDF)

  2. Consent Agenda (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 25-26, 2012, Board Meeting (PDF)

    2. FY 2011 Unit Cost of Instruction (PDF)

    3. Report of Crime Statistics at the Universities for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2012 (PDF)

    4. Campus Sustainability Annual Report (PDF)

    5. Adoption of Amendments to Iowa Administrative Code 681 – Chapter 4 (PDF)

    6. Appointments and Other Personnel Actions (PDF)

    7. Amendments to Bylaws of the University of Iowa Research Park Corporation (PDF)

    8. Ratification of Equipment Purchase – University of Iowa (PDF)

    9. FY 2013 Annual Capital Plans (PDF)

    10. Agreements with the Nebraska Department of Education (PDF)

  3. Tuition Set-Aside Discussion (PDF)

  4. FY 2013 Salary Policies (PDF)

  5. FY 2013 Special School Budgets, FY 2013 University Budget Update, and FY 2012 Amended University Operating Budgets (PDF)

  6. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  7. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  8. Institutional Agreements, Leases, and Easements (PDF)

  9. AmeriCorps NCCC Lease Addenda (PDF)

  10. Bond Sale/Reimbursement Resolution

    1. Resolution for the Sale and Issuance of $18,295,000 Dormitory Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series S.U.I. 2012 (PDF)

    2. University of Iowa Reimbursement Resolution (PDF)

  11. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

  12. Regent Accountability of Resources Initiative (PDF)

  13. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

    • Financial Report

    • Major Flood Recovery Project Timetable

  14. Regent Procurement Presentation (PDF) Presentation (PDF)

  15. Faculty Presentation at the University of Iowa: “Dubuque Partnership: Mapping Renewable Energy Assets” (PDF) Presentation (PDF)

  16. Closed Session

    1. Litigation (PDF)

    2. Real Estate Purchase (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Venue Location
August 2, 2012 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
August 3, 2012 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
September 12, 2012 Iowa State University Ames
October 24-25, 2012 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 5, 2012 Telephonic  


Date Venue Location
February 6, 2013 (Evaluations) University of Iowa Iowa City
February 7, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
March 13, 2013 Iowa State University Ames
April 24-25, 2013 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
June 5, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
August 7, 2013 (Evaluations) Iowa State University Ames
August 8, 2013 Iowa State University Ames
September 11, 2013 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
October 23-24, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 4, 2013 Telephonic  


Date Venue Location
February 5, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
February 6, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
March 12, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
April 23-24, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
June 4, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
August 6, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
August 7, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
September 10, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
October 22-23, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 3, 2014 Telephonic  
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