Iowa Board of Regents

June 5, 2013

Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Main Lounge, Iowa Memorial Union
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

June 5, 2013

Agenda Items

Audio of Meeting

Ed Comm Audio

Meeting Part 1 Audio

Meeting Part 2 Audio


  1. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 24, 2013 Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    2. Request for a Department Name Change at the University of Iowa: From Department of Geography to Department of Geographical and Sustainability Studies (PDF)

    3. Request for a Department Name Change at the University of Iowa; From Department of Geoscience to Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (PDF)

    4. Presentation at the University of Iowa: “The Changing Landscape for Pre‑Medicine Students” (PDF) - (handout) (PDF)

    5. 2013 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

    6. Other Business

  1. Call Full Board to Order for June 5, 2013 (PDF)

  2. Election of Board President (PDF)

    1. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of April 24, 2013, Committee Meeting (PDF)

        • Opening Remarks and Construction Update

        • Cardiovascular Genetics

        • Operational and Financial Performance

        UIHC Presentation (PDF)

        Board Receipt of Committee Report

    2. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of April 24, 2013, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. Investment and Cash Management Report for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2013 (PDF)

      3. Fund Manager Issues (PDF)

      Board Receipt of Committee Report

  3. Board President Report (PDF)

  4. Consent Agenda (PDF)

    1. Minutes of April 24-25, 2013, Board Meeting (PDF)

    2. Report of Crime Statistics at the Universities for the Quarter Ending March31, 2013 (PDF)

    3. Campus Sustainability Annual Report (PDF)

    4. FY 2014 Annual Capital Plans (PDF)

    5. Appointments (PDF)

    6. Notice of Intended Action to Amend Iowa Administrative Code 681–Chapter 13 (PDF)

    7. Renewal of Iowa Public Radio Public Service Operating Agreement (PDF)(Agreement) (PDF)

    8. Agreements with the Nebraska Department of Education (PDF)

    9. Revisions to Board of Regents Policy Manual – Chapter 7 (PDF)

    10. University of Iowa Equipment Purchase (PDF)

    11. Iowa State University Program Authorization (PDF)

    12. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

  5. Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF)

    • University of Iowa

    • Iowa State University

    • University of Northern Iowa

    • Special Schools

  6. FY 2014 Salary Policies (PDF)

  7. FY 2014 Special School Budgets, FY 2014 University Budget Update and FY 2013 Amended University Operating Budgets (PDF)

  8. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  9. University of Iowa Proposed Property Purchase (PDF)

  10. Register of Iowa State University Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  11. Proposed Acceptance of Land Gift for Iowa State University (PDF)

  12. Institutional Agreements, Leases, and Easements (PDF)

  13. Bond Sales

    1. Sale and Award of $15,940,000 (estimated) Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series, S.U.I. 2013 (PDF)

    2. Sale and Award of $8,605,000 (estimated) Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series, I.S.U. 2013 (PDF)

    3. Sale and Award of $6,150,000 (estimated) Dormitory Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series, I.S.U. 2013B (PDF)

  14. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

  15. Legislative Update (PDF)

  16. Report of the Board of Regents Transparency Task Force (PDF)

  17. Faculty Presentation at the University of Iowa: “The Teacher Leader Center: Preparing the Next Generation of Educators” (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Location City
August 7, 2013 (Evaluations) Iowa State University Ames
August 8, 2013 Iowa State University Ames
September 11, 2013 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
October 23-24, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 4, 2013 Telephonic


Date Location City
February 5, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
February 6, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
March 12, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
April 23-24, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
June 4, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
August 6, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
August 7, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
September 10, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
October 22-23, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 3, 2014 Telephonic  
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