Iowa Board of Regents

July 16-17, 2003

Board Of Regents, State Of Iowa

University Of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa

July 16-17, 2003

General Docket


  1.  Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting of June 18-19, 2003 (PDF) 

  2. Consent Items (PDF)

    1. Board Meetings Schedule (PDF)

    2. Institutional and Board Office Personnel Transactions, including Promotion and Tenure (PDF)

    3. Regent Merit System Classification Revisions (PDF)

    4. P&S Classification Revisions; University of Iowa (PDF)

    5. Proposal for a MS and PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences,  Iowa State University (PDF)

  3. Interinstitutional Committee on Educational Coordination

    1. Establish a M.S. Degree in Athletic Training, University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    2. Master of Arts in Teaching – Science (M.A.T.), Iowa State University (PDF)

    3. Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Human Computer Interaction, Iowa State University (PDF)

    4. Approve Course Changes, University of Iowa (PDF)

    5. Ph.D. in Statistical Genetics, University of Iowa (PDF)

    6. M.A. Program in Rhetoric, Composition and Professional Communication, Iowa State University (PDF)

  4. Strategic Plan – Draft Objectives (PDF)

  5. Final Approval of Detailed Budgets for FY 2004 (PDF)

    1. University of Iowa (PDF)

    2. Iowa State University (PDF)

    3. University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    4. Iowa School for the Deaf (PDF)

    5. Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School (PDF)

    6. Lakeside Laboratory (PDF)

    7. Board Office (PDF)

  6. Report of the Banking Committee (PDF)

  7. Operating Appropriations Requests for FY 2005 (PDF)

  8. Capital Budget Requests for FY 2005 (PDF)

  9. Preliminary Five-Year Capital Improvement Plans, FY 2005 - FY 2009 (PDF)

  10. Institutional Roads Program (PDF)

  11. Institutional Agreements, Leases and Easements (PDF)

  12. Student Appeals

    1. Residency Appeal (PDF)

    2. Legal Issues Appeal (PDF)

  13. Revisions to Policy Manual (PDF) 

  14. Register of Capital Improvement Business Transactions

    1. University of Iowa (PDF)

    2. Iowa State University (PDF)

    3. University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

Institutional Dockets

Iowa Braille And Sight Saving School

IBS-1 Graduation Requirements (PDF)

Iowa State University 

ISU-1 Request to Discontinue the MS and PhD Program in Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology (PDF)

University Of Northern Iowa

UNI-1 Proposed Two-year Rate Plan for Residence System (PDF)

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