Iowa Board of Regents

April 24-25, 2013

Meeting of Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Mauker Union, Old Central Ballroom, Rooms A and B
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa

April 24-25, 2013

Agenda Items

Audio of the Meeting

Board Of Regents Meeting April 24, 2013 Audio
Board Of Regents Meeting April 25, 2013 Audio


  1. Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    1. Minutes of March 13, 2013 Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

    2. Request for a Name Change: Iowa Teacher Intern License Pathway Program to Regents Alternative Pathway to Iowa Licensure Program (PDF)

    3. Request to Terminate the Master of Arts Program in International Studies at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    4. Request for a Name Change at the University of Iowa: Master of Science and Ph.D. Programs in Biology to Master of Science and Ph.D. Programs in Integrated Biology (PDF)

    5. Request to Terminate the Master of Science Program in Operative Dentistry at the University of Iowa (PDF)

    6. Request to Create New Center at the University of Iowa: University of Iowa Center for Child Health Improvement and Innovation (PDF)

    7. Request to Re-open Admissions to the Master of Arts Program in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Northern Iowa (PDF)

    8. Request for a New Program at the University of Iowa: Doctor of Juridical Science (PDF)

    9. Annual Governance Report on Faculty Tenure (PDF) (Presentation) (PDF)

    10. Iowa Student Loan Presentation (PDF) (Presentation) (PDF)

    11. Report on Title IIA Grant Program (PDF)

    12. 2013 Education and Student Affairs Committee Work Plan (PDF)

    13. Other Business

  1. Call Full Board to Order for April 24, 2013 (PDF)

    1. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Committee (PDF)

      1. Minutes of March 13, 2013, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Proposed Rate Increase for FY 2014 (PDF)

        • Opening Remarks

        • New Children's Hospital Construction

        • Operational and Financial Performance

        • FY 2014 Budget

        UIHC Presentation (PDF)

        Board Receipt of Committee Report

    2. Audit/Compliance and Investment Committee

      Board Receipt of Committee Report

      1. Minutes of March 13, 2013, Committee Meeting (PDF)

      2. State Audit Reports (PDF)

        • State of Iowa Reports – FY 2012

          • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

          • Single Audit Report

        • University Financial Reports – FY 2012

          • University of Iowa

          • Iowa State University

          • University of Northern Iowa

        Report of Recommendations to Iowa State University of Science and Technology on a Review of Selected General and Application Controls over the Room and Board System April 9, 2012 – May 1, 2012

        Report of Recommendations to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics on a Review of Selected General and Application Controls Over the GE Centricity System May 28, 2012 – July 30, 2012

      3. Internal Audit Reports Issued (PDF)

      4. External Audit Reports

        1. Iowa Public Radio (PDF)

        2. Graduate Study Centers (PDF)

          • Quad-Cities Graduate Study Center

          • Tri-State Graduate Center

      5. Enterprise Risk Management (PDF) - (PowerPoint Presentation) (PDF)

      6. Modification of Brokerage Firms, Financial Institutions and Money Market Mutual Funds (PDF)

  2. Call Full Board to Order for April 25, 2013 (PDF)

  3. Board President Report (PDF) - (Michael Appel's Presentation) (PDF)

  4. Reports from Institutional Heads (PDF)

    • University of Iowa

    • Iowa State University

    • University of Northern Iowa

    • Special Schools

  5. Consent Agenda (PDF)

    1. Minutes of March 13, 2013, Board Meeting (PDF)

    2. Allocation of Mandatory Student Fees for 2013-2014 Academic Year (PDF)

    3. Approval of University Parking for FY 2014 (PDF)

    4. Annual Report on Competition with Private Enterprise (PDF)

    5. UI College of Dentistry Basic Science Incentive Compensation Plan (PDF)

    6. Revisions to Board of Regents Policy Manual – Chapter 7 (PDF)

    7. University of Northern Iowa Presidential Personnel Actions (PDF)

  6. Annual Student Financial Aid Report (PDF) - (Presentation) (PDF)

  7. Annual Regent Student Financial Aid Study (PDF) - (Presentation) (PDF)

  8. Report of the Education and Student Affairs Committee (PDF)

  9. University of Northern Iowa – Property Conveyance, Property Exchange and Easements (PDF)

  10. Approval of Residence System Proposed Rates and Transfers for 2013-2014 Academic Year (PDF)

  11. Register of University of Iowa Capital Improvement Business Transactions (PDF)

  12. University of Iowa Reimbursement Resolution – Motor Vehicle Purchase (PDF)

  13. University of Iowa – Kinnick Stadium Scoreboard and Sound System – Purchase and Financing (PDF) - Addendum (PDF) (posted 4/22/13)

  14. Bond Sales

    1. Resolution for Sale and Award of $20,190,000 (estimated) Memorial Union Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series I.S.U. 2013 (PDF)

    2. Resolution for Sale and Award of $2,930,000 (estimated) Regulated Materials Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series I.S.U. 2013 (PDF)

    3. Resolution for Sale and Award of $2,510,000 (estimated) Student Health System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series U.N.I. 2013 (PDF)

    4. Resolution for Sale and Award of $5,160,000 (estimated) Field House Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series U.N.I. 2013 (PDF)

  15. Report of Board of Regents Transparency Task Force (PDF)

  16. Legislative Update (PDF)

  17. University of Iowa Update of Flood Recovery Status (PDF)

  18. Faculty Presentation at the University of Northern Iowa: “Advertising Campaign Development” (PDF)

  19. Presentations by Nonrepresented Faculty and Staff on FY 2014 Salary Issues (PDF)

  20. Iowa State University - Off Campus Housing Agreements (PDF)

  21. Closed Session (PDF)

Board Meeting Schedule


Date Location City
June 5, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
August 7, 2013 (Evaluations) Iowa State University Ames
August 8, 2013 Iowa State University Ames
September 11, 2013 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
October 23-24, 2013 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 4, 2013 Telephonic  


Date Location City
February 5, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
February 6, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
March 12, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
April 23-24, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
June 4, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
August 6, 2014 (Evaluations) University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
August 7, 2014 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls
September 10, 2014 Iowa State University Ames
October 22-23, 2014 University of Iowa Iowa City
December 3, 2014 Telephonic  
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